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Safeguarding at Cosgrove Primary School
Safeguarding is very important in our school and therefore we have 3 members of staff trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads.
Mrs Jude Busari, Executive Head Teacher, is our Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Mrs Steel, Assistant Head Teacher, is a Deputy Safeguarding Lead.
Miss Major, SENCO, is a Deputy Safeguarding Lead.
Miss Jane Lambert, Chair of Govorners, is our Safeguarding Governor.
At times, we may need to seek advice from outside agencies as to how best to support you and your family. Please see our school safeguarding policy on the policies page on this website.
Key safeguarding documents that we work with:
Keeping children safe in education
Working together to safeguard children
Northamptonshire Early Help
What is early help?
Every family goes through challenging times at some point. Early help means working with you and your family so that small problems don’t become big problems. Early help is for everybody, for families with children and young people of any age. And it’s your choice whether to have it or not.
Why would I want early help?
There are lots of reasons why people look for early help. It could be that you’re worried about your child’s health, development or behaviour, or how they’re doing at school, or perhaps because you are caring for a disabled child. It may be that you’re worried about
money or housing and how that is affecting your family. Maybe your child or your family is affected by domestic abuse, drugs or alcohol or crime. Perhaps your child is a carer for other people, or maybe you’ve had a bereavement in the family that’s made life a
real challenge.
You can find out more about early help by clicking the link below:
Early help information for parents and carers
What should I do if I have concerns about a child or family?
1. Speak with one the safeguarding leads at school.
2. Contact Northamptonshire multi agency safeguarding hub (MASH) on 0300 126 7000
3. Click on the link below for further advice from Northamptonshire Children's Trust regarding MASH
Northamptonshire Children's Trust Multi Agency Reporting a Concern
4. Speak to the NSPCC:
Help for adults concerned about a child Call 0808 800 5000
Help for children and young people Call 0800 1111
Remember safeguarding is everyone's business
Useful Websites
If you are a child and need help because you don’t feel safe – click here.