01908 562641

3 Bridge Road, Cosgrove
Northants MK19 7JH



The partnership between parents and school is vital to ensure every child acheives thier full potential.  This web page is designed to help you support you and your child with learning to read and write.


Why should I read with my child?

Number of books read in 1 month

% of children achieving below the expected standard in at the end of year 6

% of children achieving at the expected standard in at the end of year 6

% of children achieving above the expected standard in at the end of year 6





1 to 3








5 to 8








In our school we challenge all children to read a minimum of 3 times a week to ensure they have the necessary skills in preparation for their next stage of learning and for life!  Children can read books from our school library, books from home, books online via our subscription to Active Learn (Bug Club) or books from the local library.  When you hear your child read make sure you/they record it in their reading records/homework diaries.  If children achieve reading 5 or more times a week they will be entered into the Head Teacher's reading raffle - this is drawn weekly in our celebration assembly.

How can I help my child with their reading?

Under the parents section of this website you will find a page all about phonics.  On there is a video clip on how we say the sounds to enable your child to begin reading.

Other ways to help:

1.  Let your child see you reading.  Have magazines and books in your home.

2.  Help your child find appropriate word and reading games on the computer.  Keep a dictionary on hand.  help your child look up new words they read or hear.

3.  Read mysteries with your child and try to figure out the clues together.  The secret seven or famous five are good for this.

4.  Movie version coming out?  Read the book together first, then talk about which you each liked better.

5.  Set aside a time and place for your child to read - like a comfy chair and a reading light in a quiet place.

6.  Visit your local library regularly.  Look for and read together the books that were your favourite when you were a child.

7.  Encourage your child to write - letters, thank you notes, journals, lists, stories about their own trips, events and daily life.

8.  Ask your child questions about what they are such as:  What is the story about?  Who are the important characters in the story?  Where does the story take place?  Why do you think the character made that choice?  Why did that happen?  How did you know about...?  Would you recommend this book to your friends and why?

9.  Ask your child to draw a comic strip about what happens in the story.  Provide word searches, crossword and other word games and puzzles, or help your child make their own.

Recommended reads

220px Clickclackmoo  Image result for sugar lump the unicorn  Image result for you choose book

Image result for bad dad  Image result for letters from the lighthouse book  Image result for harry potter and the philosopher's stone