01908 562641

3 Bridge Road, Cosgrove
Northants MK19 7JH



At Cosgrove Village Primary School we feel that homework is very important to your child's development and can help your child further consolidate aspects of their learning.

Expectations for each year group:

Reception:  Children should develop their love of reading by reading and sharing books with adults at home.  They also need to reguarly practise their phonics (see a link in the parents section to help you with this) and their key word cards.  Children should reguarly practise counting forwards and backwards to 20 and learn how to double and halve numbers mentally.

Year 1: By year 1, we would expect children to be reading at least 3 times per week with an adult at home.  They will also have spellings to learn and access to the e-books on the Bug club/Active Learn which will support their comprehension skills.  During the year, children will be introduced to their maths mentoring weekly homework which is set on a Friday every week.  Children should reguarly practise counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Year 2:  Reading 3 times a week to an adult should continue into year 2 along with regular practise of times tables - 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s.  Children will be set weekly spelling and maths homework.  Links to these wbsite can be found under the learning websites tab at the top of the page.

Year 3: Homework for year 3 is very similar to the expectations for a year 2 child except we would expect children in year 3 to know their 6, 8 and 9 times tables as well.

Year 4:  As for year 3 but children by the end of year 4 need to know all times tables up to 12 x 12.

Year 5:  Children should continue to practise their reading (online and book chosen from the library) alongside their weekly spellings and maths.

Year 6:  As for year 5 but to include SATs revision books for maths, reading comprehension, spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Children may be set other projects during the year to help develop their art, science, history and geogrpahy skills.